Mine is, Grande Iced Skinny burnt Caramel Macchiato.
When you love someone, you gotta care about them share their interests, call them in the names they love, make them feel as a member of your family.
We mean the importance of human relations investment. How can we gain the unbreakable bond with our customer through the theory of human experience?
Most of us love coffee, it’s the most popular drink in the world.
But, what is the secret behind people prefer starbucks coffee than any other coffee store?
Maybe starbucks products are high-priced , maybe there are other good tasting products more than starbucks but anyway ,every year, Starbucks sells 2.3 billions of cups of their products,
It’s a great number, Isn’t it ?
What does Starbucks do to make it different from the others?
Simply they “ inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.”

“It happens millions of times each week – a customer receives a drink from a Starbucks barista – but each interaction is unique.”
That is their mission, their marketing strategy. To do the great call to action with their consumers.They built a community of loyal customers.
It’s just a moment, just one hand reaching over the counter to present a cup to another outstretched hand.
But it’s a connection. Not just a reaching hand.
They make sure everything they do honors that connection, from their commitment to the highest quality coffee in the world, to the way they engage with their customers and communities to do business responsibly.
“ You are the event ”
From their beginnings as a single store over forty years ago, in every place that they have been, and every place that they touch, They have tried to make it a little better.
Starbucks does deals with consumers by direct customer experience so they put themselves in “ the third place ” in the market. They aren’t the basic type of coffee shops that you must have a drink and they aren’t as home and they aren’t your business place, they’re just a place that you can take a drink in it and do your activities, meet your friends ,take a rest, do nothing or sit alone in it.
They depend on your individuality, so they care about some steps showing through their style like:
1 – they use circle tables instead of rectangles because you feel they respect your personality.

2 – you can spend a long time without ordering a new drink unless you want that.

3 – It feels comfortable, Emotional and sensual because they use suitable music, colors, Smell inside the branches.

4 – The services! first they ask about your name? and write it on the cup then call the order through the names, What a great way to break the familiarity barrier with customers, Right?
Not just that, they also have a wonderful thing, that you can create your own drink with your special qualities.

5 – Starbucks has shifted from such coffee to other drinks, so they redesigned their logo in 2011 and deleted the word “coffee”

6 – they market for themselves through themselves. They Mainly depend on doing marketing through their branches and customers, for example they use ” instagram ” platform Significantly and ask customers to share their pictures with their products or in their branches, they have less use but are attractive in social media speech they simply make you get interacting and gives feedback with all happiness.

Starbucks had succeeded in being a strong name in the market because they invest on the human by the method of consumer behaviour studies,
and who invests in humans with right researches, plans and good strategies, will never lose.
Let’s take a step back …
At the beginning of this article we mentioned Starbucks as a case study for how they are a successful and known brand and we reasoned that they’re using the consumer behaviour in their marketing strategy, but now we will discuss more details about the academic process in it.
(Definition, Factors and Importance)
Definition :
In a basic form, consumer behaviour is the study of what and why customers do to purchase products and how they select, buy and use. What are their incentives? What is appropriate for them?
It’s the process that marketers can expect their needs by studying their purchasing Orientations.
Simply, Customer behaviour is the case study of customer attitude in purchasing processes, their need , things they dispose
their underlying motives for those actions.
Factors :
To understand someone wants , we need to know the factors that affect them. We have 3 main factors essential to be aware of:
Psychological Factors :
In daily life, consumers are being affected by many issues that are unique to their thought process. Psychological factors can include understanding of a need or situation, the person’s ability to learn or understand information, and an individual’s attitude. Each person will respond to a marketing message based on their perceptions and attitudes. Therefore, marketers must take these psychological factors into account when creating campaigns, ensuring that their campaign will appeal to their target audience.
Personal Factors :
Personal factors are features that are specific to a person and may not relate to other people within the same group. These features may include how a person makes decisions, their unique habits and interests, and opinions. When considering personal factors, decisions are also influenced by age, gender, background, culture, and other personal issues.
Social Factors :
Influencers are quite diverse and can include a person’s family, social interaction, work, or any group of people a person affiliated with. It can also include a person’s social class, which involves income, living conditions, and education level. The social factors are very diverse and can be difficult to analyse when improving marketing plans.
However, it is critical to consider the social factors in consumer behaviour, as they greatly influence how people respond to marketing messages and make purchasing decisions. For example, how using a famous spokesperson can influence buyers.
Those 3 main factors are important for understanding the market but it’s have much methods like as:
⦁ Undergoes a constant change.
⦁ Varies from consumer to consumer.
⦁ Varies from region to region and country to country.
⦁ Information on consumer behaviour is important to marketers.
⦁ Leads to purchase decisions.
⦁ Varies from product to product.
⦁ Improves standard of living.
⦁ Reflect status.
The importance of knowing the customer behaviour is that we can analyze his next move and what makes him take this move, it enables you to create and appropriate climate for attracting him:
⦁ What consumers think and how they feel about various alternatives.
⦁ What influences consumers to choose between various options .
⦁ Consumers’ behaviour while researching and shopping.
⦁ How consumers’ environment (friends, family, media, etc.) influences their behaviour .